Regular hearing checkups are a good idea.

If you’re proactive about your health and well-being - and more of us are today than ever before - then you may already test your hearing regularly.

But if you don’t and you want to know why you should, keep reading.

You get your teeth cleaned twice a year in hopes of warding off future cavities. You take your car in for oil changes and servicing to ensure it stays in optimal driving condition for as long as possible. You check your eyes and get health checks amongst many other regular checks because those things are enormously important, and their issues can be consequential.

We should approach our hearing the same way. It can be enormously important to us, and its impact reaches beyond just our ears.

Hear better, live better.

We’ve always believed that when you hear better, you live better. Hearing your best keeps, you connected and informed, safe and engaged, confident and independent.

Hearing your best can enhance relationships with friends and family and make listening to music, watching TV and movies, and partaking in nature, activities and events more enjoyable and immersive.

As one of only five senses we have, hearing is enormously important to us.

Untreated hearing loss is not a good idea.

Research shows, on the other hand, that hearing loss left untreated is linked to numerous consequential issues, like decreased cognitive function, higher incidences of hospitalisationsdepression and falls, and increased risk of social isolation and dementia.

You can see why staying on top of your hearing health is a wise and desired practice.

Yet, for many of us, the last time we had our hearing checked was, well, probably a long time ago. Consumer Reports notes that 30 percent of people have gone more than a decade without getting their hearing tested or have never had it tested at all!

Instead, many wait until they have difficulty before getting their hearing tested. Even then, on average, people wait ten years before seeking help. Could you imagine living with high cholesterol or high blood pressure, or diabetes for a dozen years before taking action?

Being proactive is easier than you think.

All this is points back to the blog title - regular hearing check-ups are a good idea. And if you work in a noisy environment or participate in hobbies or activities where sound is notoriously loud, regular hearing check-ups are especially smart (and easy to get done).

We have a free online hearing screening you can take as often as you like.

Of course, you can and should also find a local hearing professional (just as you found a dentist and doctor and chiropractor and…) - one who has the diagnostic tools and expertise to keep tabs on your hearing and help you if needed.

Early treatment may help prevent later issues.

No matter our age, early detection of health concerns offers the best options for treatment and better overall health, and our hearing health is no different. 

We offer full hearing tests with a qualified audiologist in the comfort and safety of your own home, workplace, or our clinics across Somerset.

However, if you want a quick check now, our free online hearing test can be completed in just a few minutes.

With thanks to Starkey.


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